Frequently Asked Questions

How much do you charge?

Standard hourly rate is $7.00 per hour

Casual Care/Roster is  $7.00 per hour

School children $9.00 per hour


Is there a minimum hourly care commitment?

No we don’t have a minimum hours of care per week but we do suggest that for the child’s best interest 2 half days a week is a good place to start


Is weekend childcare available?

Yes, many of our educators are happy to provide weekend care. Please contact us to discuss this.


What do I do if I think I am entitled to a Winz Subsidy?

You need to call at Work & Income to pick up the Winz Subsidy Application Form. Then complete your sections of this Application and bring it with you to Busy Bodies as there is a section we must complete for you. Then, you need to take Application back to Work & Income where a decision will be made as to whether or not you are entitled to a subsidy which will depend on you Income and personal circumstances.


What do I need to do regarding paperwork with Busy Bodies before my child can commence care?

We like to meet parents in person so we invite you to complete the paperwork in our office  before your child commences care. We hold the Child’s Enrolment Agreement Form and other paperwork at the Busy Bodies office.  You should bring your Winz Subsidy Application with you at this time if you think you may be entitled to a subsidy.

The whole enrolment process normally takes approximately 30 minutes.


What do I need to bring with me to complete the paperwork required?

You need to bring your child’s Birth Certificate and your child’s Plunket book as we need to copy your child’s Immunisation Record. Also, bring emergency contact details for at least one person other than yourself, Doctor’s name and contact details and all other relevant phone numbers, work, home and cell phone also email address if applicable.


What qualifications do the Educator’s have?

All Educator’s hold current First Aid Certificate’s and many hold level 4 Early Childhood Education and Care Certificate’s.


Are Educator’s and other family members police screened?

Yes, all Educator’s and household members 17 years and over are screened yearly.


What if I require a particular area of Invercargill for my educator to be based in?

We have educators based throughout the city so there is a good chance that there will be one near you. We do our best to accommodate your needs, but of course this depends on space and age ratio availability.


What happens if my child is 3 years old and entitled to ECE 20hrs?

We hold the paperwork for you to obtain ECE 20 hrs, this would be completed when enrolling your child/ren.


What happens if my child’s educator is sick or unavailable for a day/week?

Whether it is a sick day or planned leave, the educator will discuss this with you and the visiting teacher will contact you with alternative care options. This is provided by one of the other educators that you child already knows through weekly play groups and outings. Educators work closely together to ensure the child and parent is comfortable with the arrangement. You are most welcome to visit the alternative care educators home in advance of this situation.