Pre-Schoolers 3-5yrs

This is the age where your children will develop most of their learning, and our preschool learning programme is designed to encourage children to new levels – preparing them for the next stage within their journey being starting school.

Children are now provided with age specific activities that fit into their developmental stages supporting their independence, group and individual learning experiences. Our  Learning Programme for 3 – 5 years old is operated by your primary Educator and trained Teachers which is an important aspect in also working co-operatively with whānau/families to develop programmes by planned observations of the childs’ interactions within their environments.  This reveals what is individually appropriate for each child and their cultural contexts.

The environments provide stimulating, challenging and accessible materials that are inviting and aesthetic to the children enticing the children to discover, explore, manipulate and learn.  Resources and materials offered represent our early childhood core curriculum throughout the daily programme which includes: literacy, art & collage, numeracy and science e.g. baking.  music, water play, playdough and messy play, sand & earth, books & stories – dramatic / pretend play, physical & gross motor development,and multi-cultural areas.

Teachers are responsible for helping the educator to develop and keep updated your child’s portfolios, which shows the celebration of who they are – sense of self – and all their accomplishments.  We invite parents/whānau to celebrate your child’s achievements or progress in written ‘stories from home’ contributing to what’s happening at home as it is always exciting for us to see and link learning stories extending on these happenings and enabling us to share your perspective.