Parent Feedback

I first met Karina when my daughter Hannah was a newborn. Karina was so welcoming and supportive, I immediately got a good feeling about her. Karina was so accommodating, I was able to do lots of settling visits which meant Hannah settled in really well. She was always happy to follow our routines from home to make things easy on Hannah, and as a result Hannah was always happy to go to Karina’s each day.

When my son Patrick was born, I was thrilled that Karina had space to care for him as well so he started doing some part days. Once again Karina was so accommodating and supportive with settling visits that the transition was no problem. She was also very supportive of my desire to keep breastfeeding during the day.

Both of my children were always happy and relaxed at Karina’s. They were kept busy with lots of different activities and made great friendships with the other children. Karina became a part of our family and we were all very sad to say goodbye to her. I can’t recommend Karina highly enough – any child would be lucky to be cared for by her.


Felicity, Mum to Hannah & Patrick



“I found out about Busy Bodies through ringing around looking for daycare for my wee man, Samuel, that looks after children on a Saturday; as I work every Saturday.

I spoke to Glenda about my childcare requirements and she forwarded us onto a Busy Bodies Educator immediately, we went and had a meeting.  We loved the way everything was in the home environment and Busy Bodies service.  Samuel is 7 months old and was attending a daycare centre, he kept getting sick so I decided to pull him out of there and give him to the Busy Bodies Educator Full-time.

I love the fact that they go out and do activities it’s very much like home life.  Since our transition he has not been sick.

I would highly recommend home-based care to anyone, and Busy Bodies Childcare being number 1 on my list!”

Kirsten, mum to Samuel 9 months



“My little girl, was 9 months when I started researching daycare options. I visited several daycare centres around the city and felt a bit overwhelmed by just how busy they were and how small and helpless my wee lady was!

A friend recommended I contact Busy Bodies and, sure enough, within 24hrs I had 3 options of Educators to visit, all within walking distance of my house! I work primarily from home so this was a bonus I wasn’t expecting!

From Day 1, she settled in no problem carrying on her home routines while in her Educator’s home. I love how she gets to sleep in a quiet room by herself and has just enough stimulation and fun with the other children without it being too full on! Her Educator is fully in tune with how she is feeling, particularly if she has had a bad night or is teething so I don’t have to worry about her. Also, as a first-time mum, I really appreciate the advice that her Educator can give me about all sorts of things from teething to toilet-training as she has so much experience!

Occasionally, my work takes me out of town or sometimes a meeting runs late but I don’t ever worry about being a bit late as Busy Bodies are very flexible and a quick text is all that is required to let her know.

I’ve recommended Busy Bodies to a few friends now and think it a great option for child care in Invercargill.”



Kathryn, mum to Maeve now 2yrs

“My connection with Busy bodies began 3 years ago when I enrolled my 2.5 year old and 5 month old boys.  The decision to return to work whilst your children are so young can be difficult and in some cases quite distressing for the children and their parents, particularly a mother.

My experience with Busy Bodies and the amazing, warm and extraordinary carers we have in Te Anau supported us all through this process and beyond into a space of learning, development and confidence building I am certain I could not have instilled in my children to the same degree.

My older child went from a shy, struggling little boy to a strong, confident and smart little man.  My youngest, so young when he began with Busy Bodies, has built the strongest of bonds with his carers and his circle of trusted people is wide and supportive.

I cannot recommend the carers from Busy bodies in Te Anau enough.  They have added so much to our lives it’s difficult to imagine what we would have all been like without them through the last 3 years of so much growth and change in our lives.”



Christine, mum to Morgan & Zane Wallace – 3 years old

“We chose Busy Bodies Childcare as Home Based care was ideal for us as our preferred childcare provider.  We liked that there was one consistent carer for our little baby in a home environment.

Since commencing with Busy Bodies we have been impressed with our educator and her caring efficient manor she looks after the children in her care.  She certainly knows each child well in her care and makes great efforts in ensuring a variety of stimulating and educational opportunities are provided daily.

We are impressed with the variety of out of home opportunities that Busy Bodies provides for educators to take the children to such as children’s gym, music and movement, arts and crafts and coffee playgroups, as well as other regular outings.

We have had all of our 3 children in care with Busy Bodies and loved the portfolio books of our childrens’ journey that the educator and visiting teachers created.  These profile books are loved by us as parents as well as our children who love to read them well after their preschool years”.

Linda – mum to Liam now 2.4 years old.



“I have two daughters in home based care with Busy Bodies.  My baby is 5 months old and started in July settling in with the same educator as Ella very quickly – which is a big plus for us with the one – on -one care the educator spends with the girls, – We see out educator as an extended member of our family/ whaanau to us all.

We feel very comfortable talking to our educator about the everyday happenings and events that occur with the girls.  Both girls are excited and happy to spend time with there educator whether it is having a day at home or going to regular activities in the community.

I am a relaxed and happy mum leaving my girls with a Busy Bodies educator in the knowledge that girls are both so well looked after”.

Rickelle, mum of Ella 4 years old & Harper 5 months old.